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Look ma, a driveway AND a garage!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

yo yo yo

Aw, man. I can't believe this. I'm last. I could've not trained at all and come in last... I like the last post, that was a good one. That would be quite a sight- a mobile home going down the road with spinners on the wheels! Ha Ha! Great. I don't have that kind of creative juice in me at the moment. Perhaps some gin & juice would help in that regard, but you know... Don't drink & blog. Hmmm... Thats silly- blogging is something that is probably better when you're drunk, or at least buzzed. I'll have to try... I'm not much of a drinker anymore, though. Oh well. Maybe can come up with something else! All righty, the 'hood is mobile if you live in a mobile home park, that is. The valley is full of mobile home parks- there's tons of 'em! I always laugh when people say they don't know where any are. Many people like to complain about the high rent. Guess what? Its only going to go higher! Besides the home values themselves, have you heard of anything going DOWN in price lately. Hell no... Expect rent to increase practically every year. Can you imagine 20 years from now, the average park rent in Phoenix will probably be around $800 per month! Makes you want move that mobile home to a piece of land, huh? Better yet, buy a brand new one from Black Hawk Homes! Thats the ticket!

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