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Look ma, a driveway AND a garage!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Fun on Saturday

Just reading the last post... I had some fun with my son, Sawyer while he was here allegedly 'working' at the sales center Saturday. He was more curious about what I was doing on the computer more than anything. I told him I was blogging and he was like- whats that? Good question. Our purpose for it is to say mobile home a few times in this post. I see that I have been ignoring doing that until this point- mobile home. Now that I have my wits about me I'll conclude by saying mobile home one more time and I'm on to the next one... : )

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Do drugs, do time

That is correct, son. Blogging is like having a My Space. As a matter of fact, you can blog on your my space page. Did you know that? I know you don't have a My Space page and you never will! Ha! No, Nathan does not have one. I made him take it off. So there...

This is the last entry of the day! I am very pleased to be finished. Sawyer can now go and do something other than look over my shoulder. I'm going to lock him in a mobile home right now. Where are you going? To what mobile home? The cabin? OK, go in there and I'm going to lock you inside, OK? Bye. Don't make a mess with my business cards, man! Bye. I have to go lock my son inside the mobile home now. Any last words, Sawyer? Yes? OK what? No, you cannot go home. I'm going to lock you in the cabin, remember? Now, go. No? Baby. Yes, I can make you and yes you used to wear diapers...

Friday, March 28, 2008


Just in case anyone reads the blogs at some point in time- for the record I was not on drugs when I wrote the last post, I swear. I know it may seem likely after reading that one, but no... Mobile home in space- nice. You can see what all the blogging does to a person's mind. I'm finding out first hand. Anyway, I definitely have been lax this week with the blogs. I offer no apology, though. But I must get it going with my mobile homes, so here we go. Make sure you are ready for the mobile home in space, man. Ha Ha Thats all for this one, go read the others posts if you want amusement. This has been a 'key word' presentation! mobile homes in the hood.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

mobile home in space

When you think about it, if you had a home literally outside of the earth's atmosphere floating in space, its technically mobile. We could use that as a name and it would be fitting. But that wouldn't be sufficient enough of a name for a home in space. It'd have to have a way cooler name than mobile home. I just said it cuz its serving my blogging purpose right now... What would you call a home that just floated in space- what is a good name? space home? idunno. Got to , be some really good one's, I'm sure. Imagine to be the guy who figures out how to sell 'space homes' to rich people for an outrageous amount of money. I bet that type of thing isn't too far in the future. Just for fun, I'd like to strap a mobile home to a big 'ol rocket and launch it up and see if I can get it to orbit around the earth. My personal, mobile home/satellite/vacation destiny. I'll catch a flight up there in the space shuttle, and hang out in space for a while... Catch a ride back with the shuttle. Ha Ha Could you imagine something like that--- except for not a mobile home. Imagine having your own, private satellite home in space, orbiting around the earth. Some genius will find a way to capitalize on that idea and make a bjillion dollars! OK- brilliant ideas for free! Thats me. I'm done, out.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

yo yo yo

Aw, man. I can't believe this. I'm last. I could've not trained at all and come in last... I like the last post, that was a good one. That would be quite a sight- a mobile home going down the road with spinners on the wheels! Ha Ha! Great. I don't have that kind of creative juice in me at the moment. Perhaps some gin & juice would help in that regard, but you know... Don't drink & blog. Hmmm... Thats silly- blogging is something that is probably better when you're drunk, or at least buzzed. I'll have to try... I'm not much of a drinker anymore, though. Oh well. Maybe can come up with something else! All righty, the 'hood is mobile if you live in a mobile home park, that is. The valley is full of mobile home parks- there's tons of 'em! I always laugh when people say they don't know where any are. Many people like to complain about the high rent. Guess what? Its only going to go higher! Besides the home values themselves, have you heard of anything going DOWN in price lately. Hell no... Expect rent to increase practically every year. Can you imagine 20 years from now, the average park rent in Phoenix will probably be around $800 per month! Makes you want move that mobile home to a piece of land, huh? Better yet, buy a brand new one from Black Hawk Homes! Thats the ticket!

Monday, March 24, 2008

dat be a home on wheels!

Throw some spinners on that bad boy! My 11-year old son thinks spinners are the greatest thing since chocolate cake. I totally hate them. How funny would it be though to throw spinners on a mobile home thats being delivered! Now that I like! Maybe we can get the transporter to install one of those bass-blasting systems in their truck too! So you'd see this mobile home going down the highway with spinners AND loud-ass rap music booming away! Yeah! That would be great! Too bad we'll never see the day that happens. It could lend to some creative advertising. Every now and then we should hook up one of our homes and go for a spin with our mobile home, on spinners, w/ bass-boom to head explosion level, and a big giant Black Hawk Homes banner on all 4 sides! Hey, I might be on to something there, eh?! Or not...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wat ju talkin bout?

Sometimes even I have no idea... I'm fresh out of material, folks. My head is dead. I have been repeating myself on several of my related blogs about how we need to step up in our industry. Mobile homes, manufactured homes, modular homes, whatever term you want to use for them. One thing is for sure, they are all viewed as sub-par housing by the general public. Its going to take a Herculean effort to turn the tide against this mode of thinking. I know modular homes are held in higher esteem in other parts of the country, but overall, there's still a long way to go. In my home state of Arizona, modular homes may as well not even exist. Hardly anyone knows or even cares about them at all. There's hardly any builders who offer 'off frame' mods here. Those are the one's that stand up the best to site built homes. The on frame mods are really just a 'super HUD' home. That aint gonna cut it, fellas. Mainstream! We need to get our homes into mainstream America! Give the people what they want! Attractive & Affordable! Boom!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The best!

Oh my God... I have to hand it to myself. That last entry on this, the newest blog, was the best! Made you feel like you were really there, didn't it?! Maybe not. I could envision the scene anyway. Pretty funny. A lot of people out there have a very negative view of manufactured homes. That public stigma is something that we need to overcome as an industry. I think it starts with the builders of manufactured homes. We need to get a breath of fresh air going here. Come up with some styles of homes that nobody has ever done before. Go beyond finding a niche in the housing market and gain mass appeal across the country. Black Hawk Homes will lead this effort. Even though we're just a retailer of manufactured homes, the builders do listen to us. If any of you are listening now- go hi-tech, go futuristic, raise the bar. It MUST be done!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Bad choice of words in using 'mobile', but its kinda fun... Imagine yourself in a nice, clean, brand new subdivision in the metro Phoenix area. As you look around, you see all the things you'd expect to see- some homes under construction, a moving van with people unloading their stuff into their new home, a common area with a playground and ramada for cookouts and what not... Ah, its nice. But wait. What the hell? A truck just pulled in and there's half a house on it! And what else? A second truck right behind it, and it has half a home on it! Gadzooks! These are MOBILE HOMES! AAAARRRRGH!!!! Don't fret little guy. Its ok. ALL of the homes here are mobile homes! Pretty damn cool, huh?! NO!, you scream. Mobile homes are for white trash and other low level humans, right? Wrong, bro! Not true. These homes are state of the art MODULAR HOMES. They are everything a site built home is- just made in a factory instead of on site. The part of you that carries the stigma about mobile homes begins to fade. The sun comes out and warms your face (and cold heart). Suddenly, you feel good again. Refreshed. Ah, this IS a nice new neighborhood. I think I'd like to live here... In a modular home by Black Hawk Homes. YES! Good call, bud. Black Hawk Homes- manufactured and modular homes for Arizona!