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Look ma, a driveway AND a garage!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wat ju talkin bout?

Sometimes even I have no idea... I'm fresh out of material, folks. My head is dead. I have been repeating myself on several of my related blogs about how we need to step up in our industry. Mobile homes, manufactured homes, modular homes, whatever term you want to use for them. One thing is for sure, they are all viewed as sub-par housing by the general public. Its going to take a Herculean effort to turn the tide against this mode of thinking. I know modular homes are held in higher esteem in other parts of the country, but overall, there's still a long way to go. In my home state of Arizona, modular homes may as well not even exist. Hardly anyone knows or even cares about them at all. There's hardly any builders who offer 'off frame' mods here. Those are the one's that stand up the best to site built homes. The on frame mods are really just a 'super HUD' home. That aint gonna cut it, fellas. Mainstream! We need to get our homes into mainstream America! Give the people what they want! Attractive & Affordable! Boom!

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