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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

mobile home in space

When you think about it, if you had a home literally outside of the earth's atmosphere floating in space, its technically mobile. We could use that as a name and it would be fitting. But that wouldn't be sufficient enough of a name for a home in space. It'd have to have a way cooler name than mobile home. I just said it cuz its serving my blogging purpose right now... What would you call a home that just floated in space- what is a good name? space home? idunno. Got to , be some really good one's, I'm sure. Imagine to be the guy who figures out how to sell 'space homes' to rich people for an outrageous amount of money. I bet that type of thing isn't too far in the future. Just for fun, I'd like to strap a mobile home to a big 'ol rocket and launch it up and see if I can get it to orbit around the earth. My personal, mobile home/satellite/vacation destiny. I'll catch a flight up there in the space shuttle, and hang out in space for a while... Catch a ride back with the shuttle. Ha Ha Could you imagine something like that--- except for not a mobile home. Imagine having your own, private satellite home in space, orbiting around the earth. Some genius will find a way to capitalize on that idea and make a bjillion dollars! OK- brilliant ideas for free! Thats me. I'm done, out.

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