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Look ma, a driveway AND a garage!

Monday, March 24, 2008

dat be a home on wheels!

Throw some spinners on that bad boy! My 11-year old son thinks spinners are the greatest thing since chocolate cake. I totally hate them. How funny would it be though to throw spinners on a mobile home thats being delivered! Now that I like! Maybe we can get the transporter to install one of those bass-blasting systems in their truck too! So you'd see this mobile home going down the highway with spinners AND loud-ass rap music booming away! Yeah! That would be great! Too bad we'll never see the day that happens. It could lend to some creative advertising. Every now and then we should hook up one of our homes and go for a spin with our mobile home, on spinners, w/ bass-boom to head explosion level, and a big giant Black Hawk Homes banner on all 4 sides! Hey, I might be on to something there, eh?! Or not...

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